

Read Write Inc. Phonics

Years/Age range


Type of children

Some SEN; some low attainers with reading ages several years below chronological ages

Child/Adult ratio

Small group

Length of intervention

Variable (evaluations ranged from 8 to 20 weeks); 60 minutes a day

Brief description

This scheme is designed for pupils who experience considerable difficulty in reading because they read slowly, hesitantly and/or with a great deal of inaccuracy. It is a synthetic phonics-based reading, writing and spelling programme which starts with the 44 phonemes of (most accents of) English and the principal graphemes used to write them. The scheme is structured, intensive and systematic, and relies on tailored, phonically regular yet age-appropriate texts, and on special training for teachers or instructors.


For reading accuracy in Y2-4: useful
For reading accuracy in Y5-6: useful to substantial
For comprehension in Y2-6: useful

Further information